At the York show I picked up a few figures from Mark (LOSH on General de Brigade) who was selling some of his AWI collection. They are very nicely done. I would have liked to buy more but current funds and my need for big units didn't permit it. I finally got round to basing them all up ready for Saturdays game. I wanted troops I could use in varying size units so I went for the combined Grenadiers and Lights and a small unit of Delanceys to go with the one I'm going to be painting soon (honest!). I also needed a few 17th Dragoons.
Anyway, here they are...

First the converged Lights. A mix of Polly Oliver and mostly Essex.

And a unit of converged Grenadiers. These are all Polly Oliver advancing figures. I have a few of the marching pose as well which I intend to paint myself as I like the figure. I may end up with too many Grenadiers but they'll come in handy when I do Brandywine and Germantown at 1:5!

I have figures prepped for my own unit of Delanceys. These are done with blue facings but I may do my own with green and have them with a Union flag to fight side by side with these.

And finally the 17th Dragoons. There were seven figures and the spare will do for the 17th officer who commanded some of the British Legion. Can't put my hands on the details at the moment but I'm sure he would have retained his uniform. Nicely done figures, regardless, even if a little smart for the Southern Campaign!
Welcome back - and a lovely job on those dragoons - who ever would expect to see the skull and bones in 15mm!
Yes, they're nicely done aren't they! I'd really have like to buy more of Mark's figures but most units are 16-20 strong and most Of mine are done at 1:10 pushing mine up t0 24-30+. And I don't think I'd be able to match additional figures to Mark's style. Pleased with what I have though.
Boy those guys look sharp, especially the dragoons. Well done!
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