Tuesday, 30 June 2009

Moving Blog and the future

Well, I've decided that a new all encompassing blog is the way to go and sometime over the next week I will move the focus there. The address should still be the same so bookmarks will take people there but I'm not sure what happens re followers etc. For the 12 of you so doing I'd really appreciate your company there when the time comes...

So what do I have planned? Well...
  • 15mm Punic War - I've been tempted by Field Of Glory and have dug out my Punic War armies and have been finishing off the painting of my second legion, bought some Corvus Belli Spaniards and Numidians and will be delving in to my ancients lead pile to see what else I have. Assorted pics will follow as well as game reports when I actually get round to it.
  • Nostalgia - I'm currently sorting through boxes in the attic and hope to uncover my old 25mm Medievals. A mix of Lamming and Hinchcliff with the very dubious painting of a 14-15 year old! I should also find the pictures I took at the Wargames Holiday Center back in c.1979? I think it was the first year Peter Gilder ran them but the memory fades. It'll be interesting to see that
  • Scenery - I have a veritable forest of Bachmann trees to be based up as soon as I get the MDF I need from East Riding Miniatures.
  • AWI - I have the minifigs I need for the Guards. I tried my normal blacl undercoat with Vallejo but it seems to not take very well so I will be trying the spray approach and see if that takes better. I'll also be sorting through the AWI lead pile, deciding what I need and don't need and then selling on the spares. So expect see a few Polly Oliver figures available soon(ish).
there is though.
That's the plan anyway. I don't want to do the move until I have some nice pics to launch it properly.

Back soon...


Monday, 15 June 2009

All Change?

I started this blog last year after deciding that my playing Advanced Squad Leader was just not relaxing for me anymore. We'd also got a new baby in the house which meant gaming time was minimal and I always remembered finding painting a relaxing experience. As my last project had been AWI - and I was still reading related material - that seemed the obvious place to start. Hence this blog.

Recently, as I've made a few more meetings of the Tyneside Wargames Club, the odd show, and read more online forums interests have started to diversify. This shows in the few SYW and WW2 posts here. Now I'm really facing a similar dilemma to Giles over at Tarleton's Quarter here. Do I restrict this blog to just AWI and move more diverse wargaming content to it's own blog? Or do I change the scope of this blog? Or start a new one, import all the content from here and make sure it's all clearly labelled? Seeing as I use a domain name for the blog I would assume that links would just transfer over easily.

Also I feel the need to keep more uptodate posting here and if I keep it more general then I'm more likely to post something rather than waiting on new figures to post. it's been weeks since the last post and little painting done but lots of reading, more figures/terrain/rules bought, more ideas for spreading my limited gaming time even thinner! :)

We shall see...
