Can't believe where the last 4 weeks have gone. Been very busy getting daughters bedroom ready in time for her 3rd Birthday today so rather than the copious amounts of blue and red planned for my redcoats and continentals I've been using a lot of pink! :-)
Have managed to finish the basing I wanted done, though. My militia are now on correct size bases for BG, I have Sherburn's Additional Regiment based up after a good eBay acquisition and similarly a rather nice 'regular' continental regiment. I have my converted Polly Olivers for DeLanceys ready to go and the few figures I need for more militia command stands. Hopefully will get these done over Christmas.
Main point though is that I finally have a new camera so will soon be doing the full military review of all troops! Picked up a Fujifilm Finepix S8100fd from Amazon. Paid for Express delivery for Tuesday as I was working from home. They messed it up, refunded the postage and said they were aiming for Wednesday delivery. Not good for me as supposed to be back at work. Called to ask them to change delivery to work address and after assurances they would try and then get back to me I heard nothing until I got an email saying it had been despatched - to my home!
Fortunately I was able to wangle time off work but I sent them a stroppy email about the mess up and having to take time out and how just refunding the postage didn't really let them off the hook. And lo! Today I get an email apologising for the mess up and refunding £70 to my card! :-). So I know have an £180 camera for £110 and no shipping.
Took a couple of quick snaps of figures and things look much better so after a bit of playing I should be able to get some much nicer shots up soon.
Oh, well. Enough for now. Pictures to follow!